Some of her favorite things to say lately, "Mama! Otch!" ("Mama, watch!"). I hear this one about 75 times a day. If I don't immediately turn to watch her (you know, because I'm driving or something!), she will scream "MAMA! OTCH!", repeated continuously until I turn to look at her. I have to admit though, it makes me smile every time. Besides being a handful, she is also a big sweetie! She loves to give hugs and kisses. Another cute thing she does is to wave goodbye to us and say "Bye! See ya!" before climbing into the cabinet by the front door. She still loves shoes, and is often seen wearing anyone's shoes but her own. Her favorites? Collin's flip flops or my brown wedges. She is talking up a storm lately too. I couldn't even count how many words she knows now. She's such a little goofball, and I adore her! I am looking forward to some one-on-one time with her now that the other kids are in school.