Saturday, May 22, 2010

I love to see the temple...

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to go to the Gila Valley Temple open house with the youth in our ward. The Young Women's president had chartered a bus for our group to drive there, and so we all got to go there together. I was so impressed with how many youth (who are 12-18 years old) showed up early in the morning, dressed in their church clothes, to go to the open house. They also gave a devotional, a program, and testimony meeting on the bus ride there and back.

I have never been to a temple open house before. Since the temple is open to tour before it is dedicated, I was expecting it to be an interesting experience, but not necessarily really spiritual. I guess I thought that the Spirit wouldn't be felt very strongly there, until after the dedication. However, I could definitely feel the Spirit there, and could tell the young men and young women could as well. There was such a reverence as soon as we entered the temple. I haven't been able to go to the temple very often since Eden's birth, and it made me really miss the experiences and feelings I get when I go to the temple. What a blessing for the young men and young women to be able to tour the place that they can go one day to have their own life-changing/enhancing experiences.

I am continually amazed at the talent, leadership, strength, and faith of the young women that I get to serve in our ward. They are such a good example, not only to each other, but to me as well. They bring a sense of peace to me, when I think about the challenges and temptations that my kids will face as they get older. They help me to see that it is possible to resist temptations and negative peer pressure and stay true to who you are. I am so thankful for them, and for the experience I had to go with them to the temple open house.

1 comment:

Maren said...

Mel, I dont know how else to get a hold of you but I wanted you to know that I havent stopped think of you and your family this morning. I am praying for your sweet mom. Please let me help with whatever you need. I am here. Love you Mel!
