Friday, July 9, 2010

Heard at our house this morning

--the older 2 kids singing a Justin Bieber song to Eden..."Baby, baby, baby..Ohhh..."
I thought my kids were young enough that we might miss "Bieber Fever" altogether. No such luck.

--Collin to Eden as he took back his toy that she was chewing on: "Eden, Eden, that is NOT a toy! (slight pause) OK. OK. You can have it." Aww.

--Brynn to me, regarding the hugest-zit-of-my-life that has taken up residence on my face: "Mom, it looks like you got shot in the face." Then, realizing that might not be a nice thing to say, she quickly added, "It's not so bad." Thanks.

--Brynn's comments on how quick she was to get her chores done and help me with some of mine: "Wow, I sure am helpless today!"

--Brynn regarding Eden (our teething, reflux-y baby): "Eden certainly is a spitty baby!"


Unknown said...

Most of what we hear in our house is the theme song to Scooby Doo or Mickey Mouse. I think I'll take either one over a teeny-bopper. :)

Look at you, being so creative this summer! I love all the ideas you've just given me. Especially the baby quilt. That will have to wait for a few years, but maybe by then I will have gotten over my fear of the sewing machine.

Unknown said...

These are too adorable and hilarious!! It's so great you are writing some of them down because they are too quickly forgotten and totally priceless! xo m.

Angie said...

So so cute!