Saturday, April 2, 2011

This and That

Brynn has made making her bed an art form. She will change up the way she arranges all the pillows and stuffed animals and proudly show me that day's creation. Now that Collin is learning how to make his bed, he did his own version.
Waiting for me to get her up.
Brynn's Tip: if you are going to carve something into the dining table, make sure you carve your brother's name so you are less likely to get caught. (Mom's Tip: Make sure your brother knows how to write his own name before you try to pass off the carving as his.)

Collin and I have started a fun little tradition once or twice a week. While Brynn is in school and Eden down for a nap, we pop some popcorn and snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie together. Its our own fun little time together, and he is even generous with the blanket.

Who doesn't love a sleeping baby?

Some attempts at a little pony tail.

They pretty much failed. Eden (like Brynn at that age) refuses to keep anything in her hair. It was cute while it lasted!

Collin has been loving the playgroup he is in (despite his uncooperative mood in the picture). He and his little friends Matthew and Ethan play so well together. They are all big Star Wars fans, so there are alot of light sabers out when they get together.

Collin's friends (minus Collin)Brynn finally had her turn being highlighted in her class. We put together this poster about her to share that week.

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