Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A True Fall Break, Part 1

What better way to spend a Fall Break than to go to Utah where we can enjoy an actual fall season and visit Dave's dad Ralph and Ralph's wife Ida? We had such a fun trip, and Ralph and Ida are seriously the most wonderful and fun hosts. It was a relaxing visit, although we were constantly on the go. So, get ready for some serious photo overload. We got there on Wednesday afternoon and got settled in. On Thursday, we went to the Family Fun Center (can't remember the actual name) that we had been to on our last visit. The kids had fun on the bouncers, riding scooters, and climbing in the "jungle". They were so tired after a few hours of hard play that they both fell asleep in the car on the way home. That afternoon, Brynn helped Ralph bake a cake. She seriously loves helping out in the kitchen, and Ralph is an amazing cook.

Brynn especially loves how her Grandpa will let her lick the spoon...and the mixer paddles...and the bowl.
Patiently waiting for the cake to be ready... (You can see Brynn's darkened tooth from her fall last month. She's lucky its there at all, because a couple days after the initial injury, she ran into a wall and re-injured the same tooth.)

Collin passed the time by climbing the stairs (over and over and over...)

But how can you get too annoyed with a face like this?

Enjoying the fruits of her labor (right BEFORE dinner--another reason to love a trip to Ralph and Ida's)

On Friday, Brynn and I started the day with bubbles in their front yard.

Love her eyelashes!

As we were taking pictures at the front door, a delivery truck drove by and scared her.

Later that morning, we all went to Gardner Village. There are tons of shops and restaurants and things that they decorate for Halloween. There are scenes set up all over with witches playing baseball, hula hooping (that's a word, right?), and on bikes, etc. It was lots of fun, and the kids had a blast! Most of the other kids there were dressed up their Halloween costumes, so it was especially fun. There were even pony rides for the kids. Brynn was very serious about her ride, but I was so proud of her that she went on it all by herself.

Collin had a little too much fun playing on/in the hay. After about 10 minutes, he had it all over his clothes, his hair, in every nook and cranny of the get the point.
Brynn sweetly pausing from the hay chaos...
That evening, Ralph and Ida prepared a wonderful dinner for us and several of Ralph and Dave's friends. It was a nice end to a great day!


Kate said...

You got some SERIOUSLY cute kiddos (and awesome photos of them). It looks like you guys had a great time:) Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

what a fun trip! looks like the kids just had a blast with tons of things to do!