Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Catch Up

I just had to have a special post for two recent milestones in our household. First, Brynn is pretty much potty trained! You probably have no idea how exciting this is for us. It was a 14 month process, and I really did feel like she would end up going to kindergarten in diapers. I don't know what finally clicked, but she stayed dry for our cabin trip in September (even with the 4 hour drive) and has remained that way since (with the occasional accident). We are so proud of her!!

The other huge milestone has been Collin sleeping through the night. That is another thing I was doubting would ever happen. He is almost 2 and has always been a terrible sleeper. We would get a day or two with him sleeping through the night. Just when we would start enjoying it, he would start waking up several times a night. However, once we got home from that same cabin trip last month, he started sleeping through the night for the most part. OK, every night is not perfect, but he's had way more good nights than bad this past month. We'll take it!

I've been amazed at how much these two things have affected our household. I have really had an extra enjoyment of motherhood lately. I think its another reminder not to take things for granted. There have been several times this past month when I have started to get frustrated at something the kids are doing or not doing, but I remind myself of what a big deal it is to have reached these two milestones.


Jen said...

What great milestones! I bet you are thrilled and wouldn't be surprised if you started referring to it as The Magic Cabin!!

Just K said...

Hurray for Brynn and Colin!!! And mom & dad too, of course. I am so happy for you with the potty training thing.
You're not alone in feeling behind. The kids keep me busy too so that I hardly accomplish anything.
Today, LeeAnn took them for a few hours and I was able to check some things off my to do list so I could feel better.
You should send Bryn on over to play for the day, and you could check some things off too!

Kelly said...

I DO know how fantastic this is for you and I am jumping up and down yelling YIPPEE!!! for you right now! I knew it would all come together! I just knew it.

You are a woman with great patience and perseverance and that is ALWAYS rewarded!

Kate said...

That is such great news! Both of those are priceless. Good job Brynn!

Angie said...

Yay for Brynn and Colin!
Grace has recently decided that she will no longer sleep through the night. What?!?! My body isn't used to that anymore and I feel like a zombie in the daytime lately. Glad your sleep is improving though!!