Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

I think this Halloween was one of our favorites. Brynn had been asking for days if it was Halloween, so she could put on her costume and trick or treat. She was so excited when the day arrived, and her answer was finally YES! We spent the evening with our friends Scott and Kelly and their darling daughter Quinci at their neighborhood party. They had all blocked off the corner of their street, so there was plenty of space to eat, visit, and let the kids run around. And the kids took full advantage of all that space and the freedom of being outside. Brynn and Collin were running around splashing in any little puddle they could find. Then they took turns riding Quinci's scooter (I think I know what they'll be getting for their birthdays this year). They were loving it! After a yummy potluck dinner, I headed out with Brynn and Collin, the other kids and the dads from the party to do some trick or treating. Dave stayed behind to visit with the moms (poor guy had a bit too much Halloween candy and homemade donuts). Brynn, who usually won't go beyond 2 feet of me, quickly became brave enough to leave me at the sidewalk and go with Quinci and the other kids to the doors. I guess candy helps you get over your fears. She even held Collin's hand when he wanted to trick or treat at a couple houses. It was cute! After we went around the block once and their pumpkin buckets had candy sufficient to make them sick for days, we headed back to Scott and Kelly's house to get the kids in their pajamas and make the drive back home. It was a memorable night, and we're already talking about next Halloween. Here are our pictures from the night:

Collin the Lion & Brynn the Mermaid... (yes, I had to bust out the candy early for a little bribery. I know, I'm Mother of the Year.)

Brynn showing off her mermaid tail (or is it a fin? I'm not up on the mermaid terminology.)
Brynn's friend Quinci as a Bumble Bee...
Best friends!
Dress Up + Candy = Happy Kids
Collin was not too fond of this boy's costume. He got pretty freaked out when they crossed paths. Collin kept his eye on him all throughout dinner too. He didn't have to watch Star Wars to know that Darth Vader was a bad and scary guy!
One of the neighbors at the party had some little puppies they brought over. The kids were in heaven! Brynn was so sweet and gentle as she picked one up and held it. I think she could have sat there holding the puppy all night!
Collin on the other hand... He was just as excited to hold and pet the dogs, but he wanted to pick them up by their necks and give them a big squeeze. He ended up being escorted away from the area by his dad.So that was our Halloween. Each year just keeps getting better. We can't wait to see what next year will bring!

I forgot to add something. As we were getting the kids in their pjs last night, I wiped off Collin's bear makeup. Brynn saw him and gasped, "He turned back to my brother! His chops (whiskers) distappeared!" Kids provide the best laughs!


Angie said...

The "scared Collin" picture and Brynn holding the puppy are both SO Dang Cute!

Ariana Sullivan said...

I love their costumes this year. I haven't been to your blog forever! I need to go do some serious browsing in the archives. lol

Kate said...

Collin is the cutest lion I've ever seen! I'm glad you had a great Halloween. (I'm a poet and now you know it:)

Kate said...

Of I forgot to say- I love that picture of him staring at Darth Vader- that is so funny!

Jill Ison said...

such cute kids melanie. Seriously Brynn is so good in nursery. There's a few we might actually miss when they go to sunbeams. I love her curly hair it reminds me of Kassidy's when she was little. You'd never know by how straight it is now but it was really curly I promise.

Jen said...

Oh my gosh, they are SO CUTE! And your daughter looks just like you.