Saturday, November 15, 2008

Brynn "got her throat fixed"

Last week we took Collin in to get tubes put in his ears. The procedure only took about 15 minutes, and then he spent about 20 minutes in recovery waking up. We went home and that day he was either really cuddly and sleepy or he was acting like himself, climbing on everything and running around playing. We were joking that we should ask the doctor for more of the gas stuff they used to put him under, because he slept 7 hours during the day, and then slept through the night (yeah, we're back to the sleep issues). Hopefully Collin won't have the same problems with constant fluid in his ears now. Maybe he will even start talking a bit more/better now?

Yesterday was Brynn's turn. We got up before the sun was up and took her to the same surgery center with the same doctor and most of the same nurses, so she could get her tonsils and adenoids removed. Her tonsils have been huge for months now. She hadn't been getting throat infections too much, but she was having breathing obstructions in her sleep from them. As well as the obvious problem that is, it also has meant poor sleep which has resulted in increased problems with her behavior. She has also been getting hurt more lately, because the lack of sleep has made her less careful. It has been kind of rough, and we're just now getting into cold and flu season.

I felt fortunate that she woke up happy yesterday and was being really sweet and happy as we waited before the surgery. When they called us to the back, she refused to wear the gown or socks they provided, and started getting really nervous and uncooperative. However, when the nurses carried her in to have the surgery done, she didn't even cry. They said they were able to get her sedated while she was on a nurse's lap, and she didn't cry then either. We waited for about 40 minutes while they did the surgery, and then got to go back to recovery. She was still trying to come out of the sleep they put her in, but I got to hold her while she did. As she became aware of her surroundings, she kept staring at me and would frequently smile at me. She didn't talk much while she was in the recovery area, but the first thing she said was "I love you" to me (seriously melted my heart!). After she had a popsicle, we all got to go home. She has been doing pretty well considering. I have been warned that Collin's surgery was a piece of cake compared to Brynn's, and that the first couple days after having your tonsils removed are usually easier than days 3-5. I am so proud of her though. She has been so brave, and has been trying to do all the things the doctor asked. I am also so grateful for the support system we have as well. My mom got up early to come over and watch Collin while we were gone. My dad was with us at the surgery center. Dave's mom came over and read books to Brynn and watched Bambi with her. Brynn's Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Ida have called to check on her. My visiting teachers brought us dinner. My friend Kelly has also called to see how we're doing (from her couch on bedrest). I feel so fortunate to have so many people that are there for us, and willing to help us out when we need it. I know tonsillectomies are pretty common, but we have really appreciated the support and concern we have received. It is good to have the surgery out of the way and get going with the recovery. It will be so good to have it all done and out of the way.

Sleeping in the recovery area after the surgery (still not wearing a gown. I guess she was more stubborn than the nurses as well):

Her grandpa helps her eat a popsicle before she got to go home:

My dad with the kids after we got home:


Jen said...

Poor little mites (and an anxious time for you). I hope they are both quickly fully recovered! Thanks for stopping by on my blog.

Angie said...

Oh my! You guys had a crazy week. I hope that this helps them both sleep better!

I love the sweet picture of you holding Brynn during recovery.

Kate said...

I'm so glad that everything went well. She is so sweet! That is so neat how she said I love you when she was waking up :)

Kelly said...

Oh, I love those kiddos of yours! I am so glad that the procedures themselves are done with and I am so hopeful that Brynn will recover quickly. We didn't have these spitfire girls for nothing!

By the way. You looked way too good for having to be at the hospital at 6:00am. You never cease to amaze me!

I wish I could do something for you all at this time, but know that we love you & are praying for a quick recovery (Quinci has been SO concerned about Brynn and her throat!)Give Brynn a huge hug from us!

Rhonda said...

Hey Melanie, I'm so glad to hear that everything went so well. I have been wondering about her since Friday. I wonder how my kids would do in that situation. That must seem pretty scary to a little one. She is such a trooper.

Angela said...

Hi Melanie, I hope you don't think I'm a stalker, but I found a link to your blog on Shawni's blog and had to read it! I'm glad that Colin and Brynn are doing okay. Your blog is so cute and there are such fun stories about your kids! Thanks for sharing!
Angela Miner