Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wow, is it December already?!

Seriously, what happened to November? Oh yeah, Collin's ear tube procedure, Brynn's tonsillectomy and recovery, Dave's sister Laurie and her family in town, Thanksgiving and several birthdays, a nice migraine or two, and the arrival of my friend Kelly's twins (which meant we got to have her daughter Quinci stay with us for a few days). What a month! I haven't been so good with the blogging stuff lately, so I have a ton of pictures now to make up for that.

Brynn's tonsillectomy/recovery: Definitely not fun with a recovery that has gone on forever (2 weeks at home, hurting, etc, followed by another week of soft foods), but we're glad its done and she is sleeping so much better now. Yay!! Speaking of sleeping, we caught a rare moment where Brynn took a nap. The girl NEVER naps. Not for over a year now. With the exception of the day of her surgery, this was the only other nap she had during her entire recovery. It was about 5pm and she had fallen asleep watching TV. Poor thing. We know she is really not feeling well if she ever sleeps during the day.

This little guy also had to suffer a bit during Brynn's recovery. Since Brynn and I had to stay home, that meant that he spent the entire 2 weeks housebound as well. After 2 weeks of popsicles, TV, and way too much togetherness with your mom and sibling, you can see how happy Collin was when we finally ventured out of the house to visit some friends.

When we went to the surgery center to have tubes put in Collin's ears, the anesthesiologist gave us a mask to take home and show Brynn. It was supposed to help her understand some of what to expect before her tonsillectomy. The mask was like the one they used to sedate her for her surgery. You would have thought we gave her a pony or something. She didn't really understand what the mask was for, but she was so excited to have one like Collin. Now our nightly routine includes a "breathing treatment" for her as well. (Notice how Dave transformed Collin from screaming and fighting during his treatments to actually doing them himself. I don't know what the secret is, but I am so grateful for it.)

And yes, after spending way too much time together this past month, they still love each other.

Another random snapshot, but this makes me smile. If you know Collin, you probably know he has a major obsession with hats. He is a bit verbally delayed, but "hat" is one of two words we hear on a constant basis. He notices them EVERYWHERE. If he sees a stranger with a hat, you have to pry him away, because he will stand there pointing at them saying "hat, hat, hat..." You get the idea. He has several hats, but this cowboy hat seems to be a favorite. And he always wears his hats low in the front like that too. Whenever we tip the front up so he can see better, he immediately pushes it back down. So...this is how we frequently see Collin these days...

Thanksgiving/Family in town
: For some reason I forgot to take any pictures on Thanksgiving day. We spent the afternoon with my parents, my sister Alison and her husband, and my Grandpa L and Grandma Bertha. We had a yummy meal and actually got to relax this year, because we didn't have any other stops or commitments that day. The following day, we went to Dave's mom's house for our Thanksgiving with his family. Dave's sister Laurie, her husband Jeff and their kids Jacob and Sarah had flown in to visit for a week, so most of them were there as well. Cheryl and Jerry have an amazing backyard, and the kids had so much fun playing together.


Collin with one of his favorite things...a ball:

Dave with his sisters Cyn, Laurie and Kim:
Jake (Brynn loved that he had curly hair like her):
Another of Brynn:
While we were at Cheryl's house, our friend Kelly called and told us that she was in the hospital and they were going to induce her. Her twin girls Luci and Charli were born the following day (Nov 29th). Her older daughter Quinci is one of Brynn's best friends, so we were so excited that Quinci got to come stay at our house for a few days. Quinci and Brynn are only a couple months apart and have been friends since birth, so she fits right in at our house. This was the three kids (Brynn, Collin, and Quinci) watching a movie before bed one night:

On Sunday, Dave's family all came over to our house for dinner. I desperately tried to get a picture of the 4 cousins together. Didn't happen. 4 hungry kids ages 3 and under with the sun rapidly setting are not ideal circumstances for a successful photo shoot. Oh well. Brynn stopped long enough for me to get a quick shot:
Laurie and Jeff with their kids Sarah and Jake:
Another of Sarah (don't you just want to nibble on those cheeks?):

And one final picture, taken at Cheryl's on Laurie's last night in town. Brynn blowing bubbles, Collin watching Sarah watch him (she was fascinated with his paci--and yes, he is almost 2 and still has a paci. The kid isn't sleeping through the night yet, so don't even ask when I'm planning on taking that thing away), and Jacob is playing the guitar with the corn popper toy.
While Laurie was in town, we also went to a railroad themed park, went to dinner several times, and went to BounceU. It has been a fun week, but wow, I'm exhausted just from remembering all we've done this month. Now onto December...


Kate said...

I'm so glad you guys are on the up and up now. And see it took me no time at all to start asking for favors :)Thanks for that soup. It was super good and I did almost eat it all for lunch! Your kids are so sweet. Love those cute pictures.

Jill Ison said...

thanks for the nice comment. Brynn is a sweet girl. I think she will love being in sunbeams. I asked her later if she liked singing time and she said she did so... yeah what a brave girl to get her tonsils out. We almost had to do that with Kassidy but it turned out that we didn't, though sometimes I still wish we did incase they start bothering her later it's a bigger deal the older you are. But she was freaking out. So way to go Brynn!