Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day, Part 1

I decided this year was probably our ideal Christmas. We had decided to do everything a little more simple, and it made such a big difference in my ability to relax and actually enjoy the weeks leading up to Christmas Day. I didn't bake anything, we didn't go as crazy on gifts, we didn't make a long list of things we had to do or see. We did tons of fun things and enjoyed gifts, but not to the point of feeling tons of stress and pressure. It was great! I also really enjoyed this year, because my kids (well, Brynn at least) is getting old enough to start to "get" it all. This was her 4th Christmas, and she finally decided she likes Santa. Her and Collin actually smiled and enjoyed talking to the Guy in the Big Red Suit at the mall. When he asked her what she wanted this year, she answered "a little (Christmas) tree in her room with ornaments on it". Easy enough, huh, Santa? Anything else was a bonus for her. She got so excited with every single gift she received. Even the new jammies were a hit with her. And Collin was just as happy. When he first walked into the living room to see what Santa left, he spotted the basketball first, and was content walking around with that during the gift-opening. Brynn would show me each gift after she opened them and make comments like, "Santa left us lots of presents! This is crazy!" So cute!

Dave and I were actually up earlier than the kids on Christmas morning. Neither of us could sleep, and by 8am we were getting antsy to get the kids up and do our own thing before we were supposed to be over at my parents' house. When they woke up, they didn't ask anything about Santa or gifts or anything, so we got them dressed first. Then we asked Brynn if she could remember who was supposed to come over during the night. She paused for a moment and then yelled, "Santa!" So we asked the kids if they wanted to go see if Santa had been by. She said yes, and Dave brought them into the family room. At first Brynn was looking around with a blank expression, seeming completely uninterested. We were confused, until she asked if Santa was out the front door. (She thought we were literally looking for Santa at our house). When we explained that we don't get to see him, and that he left gifts, she noticed the presents and got super excited.

Here they are "looking to see if Santa came by"...

He did!
Collin shows the new basketball hoop he got. Yay!
He was so excited that he ran up to Dave and gave him a hug before getting back to playing...
As mentioned in previous posts, Collin loves hats. He got a few new ones for dress up, including this police one he wanted to immediately wear...
Candy before breakfast? It is a special day! They were almost as excited about the candy as they were the gifts...
Loving her new doll...
Pretty much the entire time we were opening gifts, Collin was carrying around his new basketball...
Pom poms!
Checking out the other doll Brynn got. This one cries and makes other noises. Hmm, a noisey toy? Collin's there!
A bead kit of her very own...(Santa probably should have put more thought into that messy gift).
It was fun having some time together just the 4 of us, and then we were off to spend the morning with my side of the family.

1 comment:

Angie said...

How fun. I love that Brynn is starting to get the Santa thing, but is so appreciative of how generous he is! And Collin is such a cutie!