Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's a...

Dave and I went to my 18 week ultrasound this morning. Its was so good to hear that everything looks good and is measuring what they would expect. It was also fun to find out the baby's gender. We're having a GIRL! Dave and I didn't really care one way or the other, but Brynn definitely did. She has been telling us on an almost daily basis that she wants it to be a girl. When I got home and told her she would be having a sister, she literally started jumping up and down with excitement. Hopefully once the baby is here, she will still be excited. Here are a couple quick pictures from the ultrasound:
Those little dots in front of her forehead are her fingers. She had her hand near her face throughout the ultrasound. She moved around a bit, but not as much as Collin or especially Brynn did during their ultrasounds. Maybe this baby will actually be a calm one.

I thought the little foot in this one was cute. I don't know how many ultrasounds I've had over my 3 pregnancies (lots with the first 2 kids), but I am always so amazed at how fast they go from looking like a little blob to being a tiny little person.


Angie said...

Yipee!! I'm thrilled for you guys. (I guess Bryn has given up on the dream of you bringing home more than one baby this time around?)

Love the ultrasound pics too!!

Kate said...

That is so exciting and I'm so glad to hear she is looking great. Now you can use all Brynn's old clothes you have! Although somehow they won't be quite as cute as you remember the being:) (I think your girls will have the same age span as Emma and Holly)
P.S.Lets get together this week.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you guys. :)

Rhonda said...

Yeah, that is happy news. I can just imagine how thrilled Brynn is.

Caryn said...

Congrats- that's awesome!!!