Thursday, July 2, 2009

She Keeps Us Laughing

Brynn continues to amuse us with the cute things she comes up with as she expands her vocabulary. Some of the most recent conversations:

Brynn drew a picture of each family member and taped it to our bedroom doors, "so we would know which room was ours". As she was showing me each picture, I noticed that the one of Collin had spots all over his face. When I asked her what the spots were for, she told me that Collin's sick. I asked what he was sick with. "Nature". Of course!

Brynn and I were watching a cartoon the other day that talked about forgiveness. I decided it was a good time to talk about the topic, so I told her that it is good to forgive others when they make a mistake or do something to hurt us. I said it makes Heavenly Father happy when we forgive others. She agreed and went on watching the rest of the show. About half an hour later, I was sitting next to her and asked her if she had any idea how much I love her. She looked at me and gave me her cheesy, fake, sugar-sweet smile that she always gives when she wants to be sweet. Then she responded with "I forgive you". I asked her what she forgave me for. Her answer: "For loving me"--again with the cheesy smile and then a big hug. After a bit of a pause, she asked "Do you forgive me?" I stifled a little laugh, and answered, "Yes, Brynn, I forgive you too." So I guess she doesn't fully grasp the meaning, but at least she understands that forgiveness is a good thing.

Today, as we were driving home from our errands, Brynn was playing with a little American flag that she received at church on Sunday. As she held it up to the window, she commented that "there's something mysterious in the window". Not sure if she was referring to all the sippy cup splatters and fingerprints or the reflection of her flag. Let's go with the flag option.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just love all the things that kids come up with. OK, maybe not all of them. But most of them are hilarious. :)