Sunday, November 29, 2009

Random Pics from November

The kids loved having their cousin Micaela over for a sleepover while she was in town. Brynn also had fun sleeping over at their Grandma and Grandpa's house while Micaela was staying there. I don't think those girls have giggled more.

Since we spent most of November at home (in the few weeks before my due date I became quite a homebody), the kids found new ways to entertain themselves. For example, their toy tractor became the WonderPets Flyboat one day. Brynn even made the "flag" with the WonderPets symbol to go on it. Pretty creative girl, if I do say so myself!

For quite awhile now, I have been finding Collin's pacifiers left on his bed like this each morning. He HAS to sleep with two pacis--one for his mouth and one to hold. Apparently he thought these squares on his comforter are the best place to keep them when he wakes up every morning.

Brynn also hosted several tea parties for her stuffed animals.

Of course, Collin had to participate in countless tea parties as well, if he wanted someone to play with.

They also made trains out of nearly anything--our dining chairs, laundry baskets,whatever...

During a visit, My brother Brian read to his daughter Micaela, Brynn, and Collin...

Like father, like son...Collin checks out the real estate ads.

So how's that for random?

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