Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Funny Things They've Said...

The kids continue to keep us smiling with the funny things they say. For example, a couple months ago, Collin and I had to wait in line at Walmart for 3 HOURS to get the H1N1 vaccine (I know the vaccine can be a controversial topic, but that's not part of this story). As you can imagine, keeping an active 2 year old happy and contained to a small area for 3 hours proved to be a challenge. Add in the fact that I was 7 months pregnant and it was...interesting. As we got toward the last stretch of the line, we were both getting anxious and restless, when Collin climbed up on my lap, got right in my face, and declared, "Mommy, you a superhero. You can save the world!" I have to say, that cute little guy of mine made the whole experience worth it right there.

Speaking of Collin...he has some trouble pronouncing different letters. One letter combination he struggles with is "spr". He pronounces it as the "f" sound. One morning, he was asking me for "fire". We both started getting frustrated when I couldn't understand what he wanted. When I told him he couldn't have fire, and began going into the safety issues associated with giving a toddler fire of any type, he pleaded "No, fire". After a few rounds of this, I realized the poor kid was simply asking if he could have the sprayer (the water sprayer we use when doing Brynn's hair).

My kids have also taken on the duty of "Bad Word Patrol". They don't seem to hear when I ask them to clean up their toys 5 times in a row, but as soon as someone utters a word like stupid, kill, hate, or butt, they stop what they are doing to correct the offense. The funny part is that they always respond with "You don't say (insert offending word), you say bum!" Apparently bum is the universal bad word replacement. So if you overhear me saying that I bum cauliflower, or Dave says that he bums getting cut off in traffic, you will understand. Which brings me to my next observation. It is really hard to explain to a 4 year old how sanitizer works when you have to say "bum" instead of "kill".

Dave has always liked to keep Collin's hair really short. Recently, Dave finally agreed to let Collin's hair grow out just a little bit longer (as in, just long enough to need to comb). One morning, Collin came out of his room sporting his first true case of bedhead. I got Brynn's comb out and proceeded to fix his messy hair. As I did so, in a completely monotone and emotion-less voice, I hear Collin saying, "Ouch. Ouch. Ouch." His hair really isn't that long, so it didn't take much for me to realize that he must just think that is part of the haircombing ritual, since that is what he witnesses every morning as we comb his sister's hair.

And finally...yesterday, after not taking a nap, Collin came out of his room with a cute yet mischevious look on his face. When he got right in front of me, he put his hands up in the air, and said, "Ta da! That is how you get out of there!" You see, we sometimes lock his bedroom door for a few minutes when we put him down for a nap. If the door is unlocked, he will often walk right out of his room without a nap. However, if he sees that the door is locked, he will usually go right back to his bed and go to sleep. His bedroom door was still locked this time, so I wondered how he had gotten out of his room. Then I remembered that there is also a door between his room and the hall bathroom. It is usually kept locked, but someone must have unlocked it, allowing for his "ta da" moment. I have to admit that he was so cute when he came out, that I overlooked the nap for the day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love reading funny kid comments. These times make all the frustrating times worth it, right? :)