Thursday, December 31, 2009

More December Photos

Brynn absolutely loves having a baby sister! She is always kissing her and tries to be so gentle with her. In fact, I find myself frequently asking Brynn to back up a bit from the baby or to wait until Eden wakes up to talk to her. She's been a big help with her little sister.

Eden meets her Aunt Cyndi...

And her Aunt Kim...

My sister Alison also came for a visit...
A visit from my Grandma and Grandpa B...

On December 14th, Brynn's dance class had a little recital. Her teacher, Miss Sheri, transformed her garage into a dance studio and Brynn has been taking classes for about a year now. Brynn is funny about dancing in front of people. She either wants us to watch her for dance after dance, or else she refuses to do anything. So I wasn't too surprised when she refused to do about half of the dances during their recital. However, it was fun to see the ones she was willing to do. Here she is with Miss Sheri and the rest of her class...

During December, we made sure to let the kids make a gingerbread house. This is a Christmas-time tradition that the kids LOVE. Anything that involves candy, and they get excited!

Too bad I didn't capture the final product, because that gingerbread house ended up covered in frosting and candy. The problem was, that there was quite an overlap between them finishing the house and them eating it. Oh well! They obviously had fun!

At least somebody is getting some sleep around here...

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