After a tough couple months with strep (me, Brynn, twice for Eden), E having an allergic reaction and some bad hives, E falling twice and hitting the same spot on her head both times, etc., we are finally enjoying some "normal". I'm hoping to get caught up on blogging, but for now I wanted to write down some of the funny/cute things the kids have been saying and doing so I won't forget.
*Yesterday, we took the kids to an outdoor open house thing that a local karate place was putting on. They had demonstrations, tons of food, bouncy houses, face painting, and a live band. As we were leaving, I asked Collin if he would be interested in taking karate. He explained that he didn't need to, he already knew karate. Then he proceeded to give us his own karate demonstration. Apparently, you just need to put your arms up in an X and then do any manner of kicking and arm flailing. Too bad nobody told all the people who've been spending years and lots of money at the karate school that. (Since then, there have been quite a few sparring matches at our house, and Kung Fu Panda has been playing on the DVD player).
*Brynn recently had her birthday, and got to go shopping for some gifts. One of the things she chose was a game called Headbanz. Basically, you wear a plastic thing around your head and put a card in it that has a picture of something. Then, you ask questions to see if you can guess what your card is. We finally had a chance to play yesterday, and Collin was intent on playing without any help. After Brynn had a turn, I put my card on my head and started asking questions. Collin shouted out, "I want the ice cream cone". My turn was over. He took my card, put it on his head and asked, "Is it chocolate?" "Does it live in an ice cream store?". Bingo! He then searched through the cards until he found another card he liked. After struggling to get the card into the slot of the headband, he put it on and asked his questions. "Is it food?" "Does it live in a pizza place?". And so the game went. I think I was more entertained by him than I was by the actual game.
*Brynn has been learning lots of new things since starting kindergarten. A few months ago, she mentioned the name of one of the kids in her class. From the name, I couldn't tell if she was talking about a girl or a boy, so I asked which he/she was. Brynn told me that this person is a girl
and a boy. I tried telling her that the friend was not both, but she was convinced. Brynn also said there was another girl in her class that is both a boy and a girl. I couldn't understand where she was getting it from, but Brynn was adamant about it. Fast forward to Brynn's class Christmas party, I was there helping the kids do a craft and I asked what color one of the girls wanted to paint her ornament with. I mentioned pink, and this little girl looked at me with the cutest little brown eyes and said in a very serious voice, "I don't like pink, because I'm a tomboy". Then it hit me. This was one of the kids that Brynn said was both a boy and a girl. When these two cute little
girls said they were a tomboy, Brynn took that literally.
*Eden has recently started saying a few words herself. When I get her out of her crib in the morning, she repeats back when I tell her hi. Hiyah! She also says bu-bye (although its usually just after a person is gone). I think her first, most frequently used word is "dada" (daddy). Feeling a little cheated that she rarely said mama, I took a few occasions to help her practice. However, the lessons came to an end when each time I would tell her to say mama, she responded with "dada!". That's OK though. He has been so helpful with her, I think its cute.
*Collin has started singing alot lately. So cute! I love hearing him singing in the back of the car as we are driving. I also love how he completely butchers the words to songs. Once in awhile, he intentionally changes the words. The most recent example occurred the other day when he ran around the house singing "The wise man built his undies on the rock...the wise man built his undies on the rock..." Yeah, he's a spiritual giant!
*Speaking of church songs, we were sitting in sacrament meeting a few weeks ago, and the sacrament hymn began. Collin had been sitting very still (unusual for him) and I was so proud of him! As the congregation began to sing, Collin decided to sing as well. Unfortunately, he didn't know the words to the song, so he began to sing "Old McDonald" at the top of his lungs. Despite repeated attempts to get him to at least sing a bit more quietly, he continued to finish his song.
I will have to add more as I remember them.