Sunday, January 16, 2011

Collin's Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Collin's birthday with our families at the park. He just turned 4, and we had a fun time honoring our sweet guy! He didn't have too many requests for his birthday, other than a pinata and cake. I may have went a little overboard on the pictures, so get ready for a ton!

The birthday boy (just a little side note: Collin always insists on the hood being over his head when he is wearing a hoodie. And it doesn't matter if it gets hot during the day, if he starts the day in a hoodie, he wears it all. day. long.)

Dave and Eden

Collin's Grandpa Jerry, Grandma Cheryl, and Aunt Cyndi

Jerry and Collin

The family paparazzi: my mom and my sister Alison

Cousins MaJesta, Brynn, Camille, and Micaela

My brothers Brian and Justin, my dad, and Dave

Brian and his wife Natacha

Alison and her husband Travis

My parents

My baby

Eden and my mom

and with Brian


Practicing "4"



My Grandma Bertha reserves her biggest hugs for Dave (since Dave is not a big hugger) :)

Pinata time!

"Candy, candy, candy..."

Not sure what that look is for...

That's better...

Opening his gifts (with a little help/supervision)

Eden and Dave

My Grandpa L, Grandma Bertha, and Natacha

One of Collin's gifts included a gun that shot out bubbles. Collin spent quite a bit of time trying to pop the bubbles with a bat.

Another great birthday! We love you, little man!

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