Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Brynn!

Even though we had her birthday party a week and a half ago, today is Brynn's actual birthday. We are so excited to get to spend the day focusing on her! As our first child, she holds an extra special place in our hearts. As many of you probably know, we waited a very long time for Brynn. We waited a few years after we were married before we decided the time was right to have a baby, but little did we know we still had a long wait ahead of us. We did numerous fertility procedures and took countless medications to try to get pregnant. Despite being given very high odds for success (sometimes up to 97% probability of getting pregnant), they never worked. We also became certified to adopt, and anxiously waited for an opportunity to bring a baby into our home. After being chosen by different birth moms 3 times, each potential adoption fell through for different reasons, and we were completely heartbroken. We couldn't understand what Heavenly Father's plan for us might be. But just as I was at the point of complete despair, I realized I might be pregnant. (Yes, Heavenly Father really doesn't give us more than we can handle. Although Heavenly Father can often see more strength in us than what we think we have.) I remember buying a pregnancy test and not telling Dave, because I was embarrassed to even think there was a chance after all we had been through. When the test was positive, I still couldn't believe it. I made Dave come look at the test and tell me what he saw. He just kept saying, "I think you should call your doctor." Finally, he agreed that he saw a "positive" as well. We had been told by a doctor once that "it would take a miracle to get pregnant on our own". I don't think I really let myself believe it all, until I was holding that sweet chubby little miracle in my arms.

We love Brynn so much, and are thankful for all that she brings to our family. One of my favorite things about her is how sensitive she is to others' feelings. If someone is hurt or sad or not feeling well, she can usually sense it and will come up and tell us/them that it is OK. She is also an amazing sister. She loves Collin so much, and is good to include him in what she is doing. When he gets hurt, she immediately begins hugging him or rubbing his cheek and telling him, "Sh. Sh. It's OK!" As a result, Collin thinks the world of her. We think the world of her as well! Here are some little facts about Brynn:

*Her favorite food is mac 'n' cheese. Since her tonsillectomy, any time we ask what she wants for a meal, her response is always mac 'n' cheese. Even if its breakfast.
*She loves to help me cook and bake, and she is getting pretty good at it too. I keep saying that it probably won't be too long until her skills have surpassed mine, and she will be making our meals. Which I think Dave will be fine with as well.
*As a baby, she hated having anything in her "hair". She hated headbands, hair clips, hats, etc. Then, a couple of years ago, she changed her mind I guess. Now she always wants a hair clip in her hair, and asks all day long for us to "fix her hair clip" when its falling down. She even sleeps with one in her hair sometimes.
*She was a slightly late talker. At her 18 month appointment, I remember her doctor asking me how many words she was saying. Being a first-time mom, I responded that she knew quite a few words. When he asked for a number, I probably guessed somewhere around 15 words. I was then informed that most kids at that age say around 40 words. I worried about it for a few months after that, but by her 2 year appointment, it was no longer a concern. She was speaking in sentences and her vocabulary had exploded. She can still say or describe things in a way that astounds me.
*Most people think she is extremely shy and quiet. However, at home she is anything but quiet. She can be Little Miss Chatty and even when she's not talking, we are always aware of where she is, because she is just so loud.
*She is pretty open with her feelings. Even as a baby, if she would go to someone, it was because she really wanted to be held by or around that person. We rarely have to wonder if she's being genuine or sincere.
*She will randomly tell me that I'm her "best friend in the whole my world" or that I'm beautiful or that she loves me. We have a thing where I say "how much do I love you?" and she responds with "tons and tons, forever and ever, no matter what."
*She is really good with puppies and newborns. It is fun to watch her extra sweet and gentle side come out when she is holding a tiny baby or a little puppy.
*She is also very brave. She still gets scared most times when we drop her off at preschool or dance or her church class, but she is brave to go any way.
*She loves to travel, and asks several times during the week about going to the cabin (my parents' cabin up north) or going to see her Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Ida (in Utah).
*She has an incredible amount of energy. I sometimes encourage her to watch TV, because it is the only time she will slow down. Naps are a thing of the past with her. She was ready to drop her last nap when she was 1 1/2 years old. We were not ready, but it happened a few months later any way. Even when others tell us she will for sure want a nap that day (ex: after a morning bouncing at BounceU, or after sedation from a dental procedure or when she is sick) it is still extremely rare that she will take one. She's definitely got her dad's metabolism and endless energy!

Here are some pictures of our "Brynnie Bop" over the past 4 years:

Happy 4th Birthday Brynn! We love you!!


The Kriloff Klan said...

She is so beautiful! I forgot that your little girl is only a couple of months older than my little girl! I love this age of sass & spunk!

Kate said...

What a sweet post! I LOVE that picture of you holding Brynn when she's baby. That is priceless. You are the sweetest mom and I love your story about trying for a baby for so long. Brynn is a special little girl indeed!

Kelly said...

We sure love this little girl too!
Happy Birthday, Brynn!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Brynn! She is learning so many things these days! & boy, is she growing up!!! I love her enthusiasm for life! We can all learn so much from our children---I'm STILL learning from them!