Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just in case you ever wondered...

...It is absolutely possible for a DumDum lollipop stick to break in half from toddler drool and then be swallowed. And, in case you wondered, although lollipop sticks may be no match for toddler drool, they apparently can withstand said toddler's stomach acids and digestive tract. Yeah, it's been a bad week. Let's review: Sunday--both kids had to be taken out of Sacrament meeting multiple times for bad behavior (during one such exit, the not-to-be-named child pulled free of my grip and fell to the floor in front of the entire back half of the congregation. Lovely.) Monday--a series of full on meltdowns and refusals to do weight checks and vision/hearing tests during both kids' well checks. The worst of the meltdowns occurred right by the row of women on the phones scheduling appointments, as well as our nurse and doctor. Yeah, let's just say all 3 of us left that appointment in tears. Tuesday--after multiple nights of poor sleep from Collin, he decides that a 15 minute nap on the way home from the mall is more than enough sleep for him. The rest of us spent that afternoon and evening disagreeing. Wednesday--the lollipop incident (where I got to be re-humiliated when I had to explain the problem on the phone to the same nurse who got to witness the Monday antics). That is also the day they decided that it is fun to climb on the back of the couch and jump onto the tile. I can only imagine what my blood pressure must be like this week. I agree that its important to "keep it real" on blogs and everything, but can I just get some flowery, blissful moments to post about next week?


The Kriloff Klan said...

Good luck!!! Hang in there, i know a flowery moment is around the corner!!!

Caryn said...

Oh man! What a week!

Kate said...

Aw Man! Sorry about the hard week. I hope everyone is recovering, you are such a trooper and an AWESOME mom.

LeeAnn Freeman said...

Melanie, I remember those moments (or weeks), when my kids were little and I felt like the trials would never end. But trust me, life gets better and better as they get older. Treasure those moments, even if it is meltdowns and lollipop sticks in the stomach. It's amazing how much easier they are when you can laugh about it (sometimes that comes later), and relax, because they are kids. And they are so darn cute! And they grow up way too fast.