Saturday, February 21, 2009

More Pictures from the Kids' Birthday Party

Hey, I'm only a month and a half behind on posting these. I have been a big slacker with the blog lately. And not because the entire month has been like the week I last posted about either. We did survive that week just fine, and we've had plenty of happy moments to help me forget most all of the bad stuff of that week. Any way, here are the pictures...

The Birthday Boy (mental note: give him his other sunglasses to wear when he is also wearing a hoodie. As Dave pointed out, he looks a little too "Unabomber-ish" with this combo. Disturbing!)

The Birthday Girl with one of her new gifts

Wild Man
Dave's sister Cyn and I
Cyn, Cheryl (Dave's and Cyn's mom), and Cyn's husband Mike
My Grandpa L with my brother Justin, my dad, and Justin's son Trance (4 generations!)
Me and my siblings and their spouses (minus my brother Brian and his wife Natacha who live out of the country): Travis & my sister Alison, me and Dave, Melissa and my brother Justin
More of my grandparents! Grandma Bertha, my Grandpa L, and my Grandma B
my Grandpa and Grandma B
Brynn with her Grandma Ida (who was in town from Utah, and representing Brynn's Grandpa Ralph as well)
Trying out the new scooters and helmets that Dave and I got the kids for their birthdays
After the party, Brynn and Collin each had fun releasing a balloon.


Kate said...

I love the unibomber picture of Collin! And those scooters are awesome! Cute pictures.

Kelly said...

So sad that we missed this party! DON'T TELL QUINCI!!!

Collin always did look a little shifty...(seriously, he is one of the cutest kids ever!)

Shawni said...

I love these pictures. The lighting is so pretty . How fun to be with so much family!

I'm so sorry to hear about the lollipop incident, what a deal!

Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. We can feel so uplifted and supported by so many people, and we are so thankful.
Love, Shawni