Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Passing on my love of photography...

I really love the creativity and imagination of my little ones. Really, I do. But not so much when their imagination results in my alarm clock going off before the sun is even up. Both Brynn and Collin have decided that my little battery powered alarm clock makes a really fun camera. They take turns holding it up to their eyes and requesting that we pose for "pictures". Then they click away. Each time I catch them "taking pictures" I remind myself that I need to make sure they haven't changed the time or set the alarm. But I forget. So...I was in a tired daze very early the other morning (thank you, morning insomnia) and everyone else was asleep, when I hear an alarm going off. I rarely have to set my alarm (again, thanks AM insomnia), so I didn't recognize where it was coming from. As it started getting louder and faster, I ran around the house trying to hunt down the source of the noise before it would wake the kids. It was on the piano. Of course! I think its time to retire the camera, I mean the clock.


Kate said...

Thats so funny :) Well for me hearing the story. Probably not for you running around your house at 4 or 5 am!

Angie said...

Oh my! Maybe a real kid camera should find its way to your house!