I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day. Since having my own kids, it is always a bit of an emotional day and in some ways a little bittersweet. On one hand, I am so deeply grateful to be able to celebrate the day as a mom myself and reflect on the blessing that my two little ones are. On the other hand, I know there are people out there who find the day difficult because of circumstances they are in (wanting children but not experiencing motherhood yet, the loss of a child or mother, a strained relationship with a child or mother, etc). During the 6 years that we were (not-so-patiently) waiting to be blessed with children, I remember Mother's Day as being one of the most painful days, because it was an all day reminder of what I wanted but could not have. I loved today at church, how the focus was not only on mothers but on womanhood. I think women are given qualities that allow them to nurture and help those around them. I've found that even those who do not have children of their own are often mothers in their hearts, as they use those nurturing qualities to uplift friends, family, children, etc. I just love to hear the way the prophet and our church leaders (I'm LDS) talk about women. There is such a tone of admiration and respect, and I know it isn't only directed towards the mothers.
Despite the difficult years that Dave and I had while waiting for children, I have always felt incredibly blessed to have the mom that I have. I can't even explain just how wonderful she is. She is always there for me when I need her. In fact, just this past week, she dropped everything when I called her early one morning to tell her that I was so sick that I couldn't get out of bed, and Dave had to go to work. She came over and watched the kids most of the day, so that I could rest and get better. My kids were probably wishing I could have been sick even longer, because they absolutely adore her. She gives the best parenting advice. OK, she gives the best advice no matter what the topic. She has such strong faith, and there has been several times that I just have to think of what my mom would say and I find more peace and comfort in the middle of a challenging situation. She isn't the kind of person who has to be the center of attention, but she is a quiet source of strength to those around her. She has this way of making people feel better about themselves. She also has a good perspective on things. Whenever I go to her with something that's troubling me, she shares a perspective on it that always eases my mind enough to feel like I can get through it. She is the best example I could imagine having of a mom, and I hope that one day I can be even just a part of the mother that she is.
I am also fortunate to have other wonderful mothers and women in my life. I am so thankful for Dave's mom, and the relationship I have developed with her. She is always so much fun to be with, and has me laughing every time I am around her. She is so good with my kids, and will spend hours reading to them and playing whatever little games they want to play. She was at the hospital nearly every day when Collin was going through his heart surgery. She also came over to visit Brynn several times while she was recovering from her tonsillectomy. She has also been there for us many times when we've needed her.
We are also so grateful for Ida, Dave's dad's wife. She has been in our prayers the past couple weeks as she recovers from knee surgery. She, too, is so good to us and to our kids. Since they don't live nearby, we always love when they visit or when we get to go see them. She is so talented and fun. She is seriously the most gracious hostess, and she makes everything around her more beautiful. She is a good example to me of loving family members regardless of differences and being sensitive to those differences. I feel lucky to have 2 mothers-in-law.
I also have grandmas that have been a big influence in my life. My Grandma B is an amazing example of living a Christ-centered life. She fills her days with service, and always has a smile on her face. She is loving and welcoming of everyone into her home.
My Grandma L passed away quite awhile ago, but her influence is still felt in my life. She had so many wonderful qualities and talents, but was always so humble. Whenever I would go visit her, she would make me feel like being with me was the most important thing she could be doing. My mom always talks about what a good mother-in-law she was, because she treated them all equally. In fact, for Christmas she would give all of her sons the same gift, all of her daughters-in-law identical gifts, etc, because she wanted them all to feel equally loved. I miss her, but am so glad that I got the opportunity to live so close to her growing up and to know her so well.
I am also grateful for "Grandma Bertha". She has never tried to replace my Grandma L or be offended at the love and memories we have of her. She has a wonderful sense of humor, and an amazing heart. When we were sharing the news of our pregnancy with Brynn, she was so completely excited for us that I don't think I will ever forget her reaction. I feel blessed to know her.
This year was the first time that Dave and I celebrated Mother's Day without our moms around. They were both out of town this year, so I wasn't sure what the day would be like. I did miss getting to spend time with our moms, but we are going to be celebrating with them next weekend. Dave really went above and beyond to make it a special day for me. He had spent most of last week sleeping down the hall with the kids, because the master bedroom was the designated sick-area (both Brynn and I had the stomach flu during the week). He had been sleeping in a little twin bed by the kids' rooms, so that he could get up with them if needed. Well, by Friday everyone was well, but he gave me Friday and Saturday night of uninterrupted sleep. He slept by the kids' rooms again, so that I could have uninterrupted sleep and not even be awoken by the monitors (it isn't uncommon for Brynn to wake up with nightmares or Collin to get up in the night). It was probably the best gift he could have given me! Then, I got breakfast in bed yesterday (Mother's Day). Yummy french toast with strawberries and whipped cream, scrambled eggs, and my favorite juice were served with special attention to presentation. He informed me that I was not to cook anything all day. Um, OK! He made us all grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, and then informed me that I was to stay out of the kitchen as soon as we got home from church. That meant that I got to have a few hours to myself. Sounds good to me! He and Brynn worked away in the kitchen, and then came and got me when dinner was ready. He made the most delicious filet mignon I've ever had with corn, broccoli and cheesy mashed potatoes. We let Collin take a later nap than usual, and Dave, Brynn, and I had a quiet meal together. Collin woke up just in time for dessert though. It was shortcake with fresh strawberries and kiwi, and a plate full of chocolate covered strawberries and kiwi. It was delicious! Brynn was so excited to help out, and to be a part of surprising me. She would randomly come up and hug me and tell me Happy Mother's Day throughout the day. Collin was especially generous with his hugs as well. It was such a great day, and my family really made me feel like a princess. I am so thankful for Dave and the efforts he went to to make me feel appreciated. I am also thankful for my two sweet little bundles of energy--Brynn and Collin. They challenge me in ways that I never could have imagined, but I love them in a way I also could not have imagined. I love that I get to be their mom!