Sunday, April 5, 2009

The rest of March

The rest of March seemed to fly by as well. With our kids still being little, Spring Break isn't as big for us as it is for alot of families. However, this year it was a little more exciting than previous years. We went to the park a few times, celebrated St. Patrick's Day with friends, and had a few sleepovers.

On St. Patrick's Day, a friend of ours organized a "treasure hunt" for several kids. They searched some nearby "hills" for gold candy and green necklaces that the leprechauns had left. Getting ready for the hunt (Collin wasn't up for pictures, but he was there):

Always the protective big sister:

Brynn takes off in search of candy:
I guess it just wasn't Collin's day. He fell in some rocks as soon as we got there, and scratched up his arm pretty good. Then, he was upset because he wanted to eat every piece of candy, rather than putting it in his sack. This was his reaction when I told him to slow down on the candy consumption:
Brynn was in a better mood:
After the candy and necklaces had all been found, the kids got to play a game where they tossed tokens into a bucket, and then choose a candy when the token made it in. My kids both have a serious sweet tooth, so I practically had to tear Brynn away from this one.

During Spring Break, Brynn's friend Quinci also had the week off of preschool. Since Quinci and Brynn live 30 minutes away, they were excited to get to see each other more often that week. In fact, they each took a turn having a sleepover at the other one's house. When we were waiting for Quinci to come over to our house, I stumbled across this treat Brynn had made for her and her friend (and she even included one for Collin). They are 3 faces Brynn made out of Fruit Loops:
While Quinci was over, we made homemade wheat flour tortillas. The kids helped grind the wheat, mix the tortilla dough, form them into balls, and roll them out. They had fun helping in the kitchen, and were so proud of their finished products. Here they are eating the tortillas they helped make:
And what else says Spring like a ladybug? (What, that isn't the first thing everyone thinks of when they think of Spring?!). Brynn found a ladybug that had flown into the car, and the kids were completely fascinated by it. This is the girl who has a near-phobia of flies, spiders, and bugs, but somehow a ladybug just isn't the same to her. I guess I would have to agree. She was so gentle with it, and let it crawl all over her hands and arms. Look at that smile:
Collin was just as fascinated as Brynn, but luckily he left the ladybug-handling to his sister:
After they had played with the ladybug for 15 minutes or so, I told them that they needed to let it go in the grass, so it could go back home. Brynn gently set it in the grass, and they went outside several times that afternoon to check if it was still there. So cute!

This month, Brynn and I also took on a new project. I had been reading up on raised gardens, and came across a grow box kit at a local nursery. Brynn has been talking about wanting a garden, and she had so much fun at my Grandpa L and Grandma Bertha's backyard garden, that I decided to try it out. Brynn helped me set up the box, mix the soil, and put in the plants (well, she only helped for about 5 minutes before she got bored, but she did stick around while I did it all). Here is my little goofball with our little garden:We planted tomatoes and zucchini. I really don't know if it will work, since I have no experience and limited knowledge with gardening. I figure the experience will be worth it either way, and we will have a better idea of what works or doesn't work for next time.

So that was our March.


Kate said...

Your garden is so cute! I love that idea :) Maybe Dana would go for something like that more. You got some cute pictures of your kiddos there! You take such beautiful photoshoot pictures. Those babies are precious.

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness, I love your kids! They feel so much like they are my own. I get proud and all "mama" like when I see the cute things they do and say!

Angie said...

Wow. You're quite the cook--making your own ground wheat tortillas!! Impressive.

Emily has been doing garden grow boxes the past few years and is really good at it (she even makes her own compost). You should give her a call if you have any questions.