Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am married to a genius. Really. G.e.n.i.u.s. Dave took the kids out by himself this past Friday, so that I could have a girls' night out to celebrate my friend's birthday. It was a fun night, and when I got home, the kids were sleeping soundly. I asked Dave how it had gone with the kids, and he told me about a little trick, I mean parenting tip, he had come up with. Brynn was acting up a bit, and he told her that whoever was the most well-behaved during the day would get to go to bed first. She got all excited, and when bedtime came around, she "won". She was so excited the next morning, as she told me how good her behavior had been, and how she got to go to bed first. I did so good keeping a straight face, while she told me how she was going to do her best again, so she could go to bed first again. This is the same girl who quit napping when she was barely 2. The same girl who has had sedation 2 times for dental work and hasn't taken a single nap afterwards (despite the dentist's insistence that EVERY kid takes a nap the day they had sedation). The same girl who is often up until 9 or 10 pm every night and still wakes up before most kids her age. I know she will catch on to Dave's little contest soon, but I have to admit it has been nice for the few days it has lasted. And Collin has been going to bed better too, because now he feels like he has gotten to stay up late. (Really we have been putting him to bed at his usual time or earlier, but since he's going to bed after his sister, he assumes its late). Love it!

While I'm on the topic of Brynn, I have to share a few more funny things she's been saying. A few phrases we've heard lately: "What in tarnation?" (no idea where she heard that one. It wasn't from me, that's for sure. I don't even know what "tarnation" is, so I'm pretty sure she doesn't either.), "It's all part of the plan", "Dolts (adults) have to keep trying" (she was watching me do a project and it wasn't going how I was wanting) and "This is the best day of life". The last one I have heard alot lately. All day on Easter, she would repeat it. Candy and bubbles seem to precede that sentence. It is cute, and I love it each time she says it. Of course, I also hear alot of "I'm having a really bad day" plenty as well. I guess everyone does have their good and bad days. One of her favorite things to play/pretend lately is gardening. Her and her friend were burying pinecones in the sand at the park last week, and then "watering" them and digging them up (harvesting their veggies). Since we planted our little grow box (which is actually still alive and green!), she thinks she is a master gardener. She informed me a few weeks ago, that I did the garden wrong, because you are supposed to plant seeds, and we planted plants. She has been saving seeds from her apples and different nuts/seeds that she's found off of different plants, so that we could put them in the garden. I love seeing her learn and absorb information, and even use what she has learned in her playtime. That, to me, is one of the best parts about having kids. Getting to see the world all over again through their eyes.


Kathryn said...

I love this. Serious pat on the back for the incredibly obvious idea at bed time. Too bad you can't market that one. Brynn is so darling. In every way.

Kate said...

Her little sayings are so cute! She's such a sweetie.

Anonymous said...

That is seriously the most awesome idea ever! Way to go Dave!!