Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eden at 4 months

I was so excited to take your 4 months pictures. That was the age that I seemed to get my favorite pictures of your siblings--you know, the cute ones of them smiling or proudly showing off their newly acquired foot-grabbing skills. Even one angelic sleeping one would be nice. However, you had other things in mind, and these were the only ones I got of you. You ended up with a double ear infection and then a tummy bug, so a photo shoot just didn't seem to be on your to do list. Oh well, at least I have gotten to see those cute moments in person.

At 4 months old, you...

*weight about 12 lbs 11 oz
*wear size 3-6 month clothes, although you are still in some 0-3 month skirts and pants
*have the tiniest feet (like your dad's sisters) and wear a size newborn or 0-3 month shoes
*have the cutest rolls on your thighs (3 to be exact)
*still spit up alot
*are still hard to burp (although Dave seems to be the pro at getting you to--figures!)
*still wear size 1 diapers, although I think you are now ready for size 2s
*are transitioning from sleeping in the pack-n-play in the family room to sleeping in your crib
*wake up happy and chatty (too bad it's when you've just had your early morning feeding--at 4:30 or so!)
*seem to have officially stopped grunting loudly in your sleep, since you haven't done it in over a month now
*are grabbing at everything, so we have to watch what little things are left on the floor now
*roll all over and have started scooting a little. You also twist around if there's something to your side or behind you that you want
*still love to suck/chew on your hands (and now your clothes, your blanket, etc)
*you recently "found" your feet. I love watching you grab those tiny toes.
*you are very fidgety and would rather have us help you stand than cuddle with us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw, poor thing, I hope she's feeling better from her illnesses. She is so adorable!