Friday, June 12, 2009


Now that swimming lessons, preschool, dance, and playgroup are over for a few more months, we've been getting pretty lazy around here. When people have been asking us "what's new?", we've been responding with something like "a whole lot of nothing." That's not entirely true, however. I am just over 3 months pregnant. It came as a pretty huge shock, but we are so excited. The shock part of it is due to the fact that we did IVF two times this past year to try to get pregnant, and they were both unsuccessful (yes, we are now 5 for 5 on failed IVFs). In fact the last IVF we did was in February (on Friday the 13th to be exact--we thought with all of our bad luck that day might turn out to be lucky for us). Then, almost a month after finding out the sad results of that IVF, I discovered I was pregnant. Since this is our 3rd pregnancy and each one was a surprise despite all the fertility treatments we have done, I sometimes wonder if Heavenly Father has a big sense of humor, or if there is some lesson He is still trying to teach me. Probably the second theory. Any way, I am excited, happy, surprised, scared, nauseous, tired, and every other emotion that most pregnant women experience.

Despite our decision to wait until after the 1st trimester to share our news, we did tell Brynn. She is so excited. Every single day she asks me how big the baby is. And every day she has been praying for the baby. Her prayers went from asking that the baby could come out of my tummy now, to just "bless the baby". She insists that it has to be a girl, and has even suggested a few names (her own, her best friend's name, etc). We are still having to explain to her that there will only be one baby. This made her angry at first, since she insisted she wants 3 and a few days later upped it to 7. I had to explain that Heavenly Father gets to decide how many babies people get, and He usually only gives people one at a time. That was hard to convince her of, since her friend has twin sisters and I attended two baby showers just last week for twin babies. She has been so helpful while I've been sick and is very careful around my tummy. She is always patting it and giving kisses "to the baby". Its fun to see how much she gets it than when I was pregnant with Collin.

So, that's our big news. And if you come over and I'm still in pajamas or there's a sink full of dishes, please consider this to be my apology.


Rhonda said...

That is awesome new Melanie. I got chills reading your post. I believe Heavenly Father definately has his own plan for us. I love how Brynn is planning for more and how excited she is. I'm so happy for you. Call anytime you need help when you are feeling aweful. Congrats!!!!!

Angie said...

Yay!! I'm so glad you outed yourself. It's so cute to hear how Brynn is reacting to the news. She'll be a great big sister to the new baby.

Take it easy. I wish I could do something to help...

Kate said...

I couldn't be happier for you guys... I have tears in my eyes :) And 3 months already!!! Wow!

Caryn said...

Congrats!!! That is awesome! My infertility stuff NEVER worked, so when I got prego this time without help, I was beyond SHOCKED! I am soooo excited! Yeah!

Kathryn said...

Congratulations Melanie! I am so happy to hear your news! What a wonderful little miracle!

Unknown said...

Congrats! :) I hope that you start feeling better soon. That first trimester yuckiness is so not fun.

Just K said...

Hurray! I couldn't be more happy for you and am so glad to hear the news! I hope the nausea goes away soon for you.

Natalie said...

Wow! That's amazing news! I am SO excited for you. Big families are the best!

I hope you enjoy your relaxed summer.

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

That great news! Congratulations!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a lovely comment! It's so nice to meet you!
