Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Family Talent Show

My Grandma B turned 80 years old this year, and when she was asked how she wanted to celebrate, she requested a family talent show. My Grandma has 10 children (my mom being the oldest) and most of them all live nearby and have families of their own. That makes for plenty of people to supply the talent, as well as the audience. When Brynn heard that there was going to be a talent show, she was excited and wanted to do ballet for it. When it was her turn to go up, she got scared and backed out. After a few more people performed their talents, she was given another chance to go up. Nope. However, after some coaxing, compromising, and only a little bit of bribery, she took advantage of opportunity #3. I was at the back of the "stage" (the front of the primary room at my mom's church building) running the stereo for her and my mom sat in the front so that Brynn could pretend it was only her in the audience. Despite some serious technical difficulties (Brynn's CD is so well-loved that it skipped throughout the song), Brynn did a good job. She ended up dancing facing me, because she was too scared to face everybody else, but I was so proud of her. I didn't get any pictures of her during the actual talent show part of the evening, but she ended up showing several of my cousins more of her dancing afterwards. One of my cousins, Chelsea, has taken ballet herself, and Brynn had such a fun time dancing with her.

And one of my favorite parts...the bow.

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