Obviously with today being Thanksgiving, I have been doing alot of thinking lately about all the blessings I have. I really do have so much to be thankful for this year. Here are some of the things I am grateful for:
*Dave. I have an amazing husband who makes me laugh on a daily basis, and who is always helping with the kids. We are so different in some ways, but we are a perfect balance for each other.
*my 3 beautiful kids. A doctor once told us that it would take a miracle to have any kids on our own. Despite lots of fertility procedures/meds and getting certified to adopt, we did have all 3 of them "on our own" (well, you know, with some major help from Heavenly Father too). They each bring so much happiness to our family, and I honestly can't imagine being without one of them. I still get so humbled and emotional when I think about all that led up to having them. I never realized that you could love someone so unconditionally and so immediately. To feel that 3 times is a blessing I can't even describe.
*a Heavenly Father who knows me enough not to always give me the things I ask for. Or at least to answer my prayers in the timing that
He knows is best for me. (See previous "gratitude"). I am a better mom now than I would have been when I thought I was ready. I have been able to see His hand in my life so many times, and I really truly know that He is aware of every single one of us as individuals. That knowledge (although I may forget for a moment) has helped me through some things I would never have thought I could go through. I love the gospel! I don't know where I would be if I had to question what this life is all about.
*my family and Dave's family. It is a blessing I took for granted when I was growing up to have a family who will be there to love and support you when you need them. To be so different from each other, but to support each other in those differences, is an awesome thing.
*my mom. I have to make a special comment just for her. After nearly losing her from a stroke in June, I am just so grateful to be able to spend Thanksgiving with her. She has been an incredible example of faith and a positive attitude to me. Even through the difficulties of the past 6 months, she continues to be strong in her faith and she rarely complains. She continues to be a strong force in our family and is the glue that holds us all together . I love her so much and am thankful that she has made such an amazing recovery. I am also thankful for my dad, who has made any sacrifices necessary to be there for my mom and the rest of our family. He has proven countless times this year what his priorities really are. He is the rock of our family, and has filled various roles that I'm sure he never thought he'd have to fill. I am so blessed to have the parents I have.
*friends. I have some pretty great friends, and I am thankful for each of them. I am grateful for their examples and for all that I learn through their strengths and talents, and for their willingness to share their difficulties and experiences. Sometimes as a woman and a mom, I feel so much pressure to excel in so many areas of life. Sometimes it feels like the world expects so much from women these days that there is no option but failure. It is great to have friends who have realistic expectations of each other and who don't really care about the unimportant things. Those who will admit that they aren't perfect, and who support each other in good and bad times.
*my church calling. I was just released as a Beehive advisor in the Young Women program, and I will really miss it. I have had the best time getting to know the girls and just love them all so much. With the world the way it is, it is hard not to get discouraged thinking about how things are going to be for my kids as they get older. However, these girls have so much faith and are so thoughtful, talented, and strong. It has been a blessing to see that teenagers can retain all of those things despite the temptations around them. It has also been a blessing to serve with all the wonderful leaders I have had the opportunity to serve with these past 2 years. I have learned so much from each of them and will miss seeing them on such a regular basis.
*talents, hobbies, skills, and opportunites to learn. I love the "high" that I get when I am creating something. It has been fun to see Brynn start to get interested in doing some of those things alongside me as well. Although I don't have alot of time to devote to hobbies, I have had so much fun doing different projects for our home, sewing, painting, decorating, etc.
*the internet. It is a great way for women with similar interests and goals to support each other and exchange ideas. It is a fun way to stay connected to family and friends whose schedules or distance make it hard to keep up with. It has also saved me a doctor's copay or two.
*our home. I have gotten discouraged lately that I've never been able to finish decorating our house or that there are features I wish our house had. However, I am so thankful that we have a house that really is perfect for our family. Since someone always seems to be sick during the fall and winter months, we spend alot of time at home. I am thankful that it provides a nice place for us to grow together as a family, learn, and feel the Spirit. I absolutely love our neighborhood! It is the best place for walks, going to the park, and playing outside. I am thankful for our floorplan. It is perfect for Dave to work at home, for each of us to get decent sleep, for the kids to have their own space and a little indepence, etc.
*Arizona winters. After a long, hot summer, I am loving the cooler weather. I don't think I have ever been so excited to wear sweaters. This time of year is the payoff for enduring the summers here.
*Target. Hee hee. I am thankful that I have a place to go when the kids are sick and I only have 30 minutes to get random groceries, pjs for the baby who just had another blowout in her last clean pair, an inexpensive piece of jewelry to make me feel put together when I haven't been able to get a shower that day, and potty training prizes.