Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Each year, our church ward has a Halloween party followed by trunk-or-treating. It is so much fun, with booths, a spook alley, food, etc. It is usually a day or two before Halloween, so the kids always love getting an extra opportunity to dress up and eat candy. We got a few pictures of the kids in their costumes before we left for the party. Collin was excited to be a ninja, Eden was a fairy princess, and Brynn was a witch. They looked so cute!
The young men and young women in the ward are usually in charge of the booths at the Halloween party. Since I am a Beehive leader (the Beehives are the 12 and 13 year old girls), I got to help with the face painting booth. The girls actually did all the face painting themselves, and did a great job, so all I had to do was set up and do a little supervising. Brynn requested that one of the girls paint a rainbow on her cheek.

She loved it!

While I was helping out at the booths and watching our older two kids, Dave spent most of the night with this little fairy princess in his arms.
Collin ran into one of his nursery leaders from last year. She always talks about how cute she thinks Collin is, and I think he has a little crush on her.

Brynn had fun running around with her friend Ellie (who also happens to be in her kindergarten class too).

Most of Eden's costume was off within the 1st hour of the party, but she looked adorable anyway.

On the actual day of Halloween, we decided to let the kids dress up in their costumes (except for Eden, who sported her comfy jammies), and they got to pass out the candy. The kids already had plenty of candy from their school parties and the ward party/trunk-or-treat, so they didn't really care about staying home that night. In fact, they had an absolute blast handing out candy! They set up their little chairs on the porch and would run toward the sidewalk yelling, "Come get candy! Get your free candy!" It was hilarious! After they scared a few kids with their enthusiasm, we had to instate a rule that they had to stay on the porch and wait for the kids to come up to them. Here are Brynn and Collin in action:

As you probably noticed, we had to keep the gate up at the front door, because Little Miss Eden wanted to run down to the sidewalk with them. Maybe next year!

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