Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving, Part 2

Brynn, Collin, and I went to my Grandpa L and his wife Bertha's for a delicious Thanksgiving lunch today. There were a few other members of my dad's family there as well, but the group was rather small. We missed those who weren't there (I was especially sad that Eden spent her 1st Thanksgiving being sick, and that Dave wasn't able to come with us either, because he stayed home with her), but we had a fun time! Of course, I forgot to pull out my camera until shortly before we left, but I did manage to get a few snapshots.

Collin and Brynn with their Great Grandpa L

Someone asked my grandpa if he needed someone to tickle him to get him to smile for the camera. Collin quickly ran over to help.

Not sure why this one is uploading sideways, despite 3 attempts. I still had to include it though. Can you tell how much my kids love my mom and vice versa? (By the way, my mom wears a patch type thing over one eye to help strengthen each eye. She rotates the patch every 2 weeks or so, and then measurements are taken periodically to see if her vision continues to improve since her stroke. My mom hates wearing the patch, but since her vision has continued to improve slowly, she does it any way. )
My Dad (bottom right) with his dad and his brother Scott. His other brother Mike lives out of state.

Me with my parents and my two oldest kids

My Grandma Bertha just finished this amazing oil painting of my Grandpa. She takes painting classes every week, and their home is filled with her paintings. Each time I go over there, I love to see what recent ones she has completed or begun. This one is my favorite though. It looks just like my Grandpa and the details of the background are incredible. She is so humble with her talent too. She has inspired me to set the goal of getting back into painting when my kids are a little older. I want to fill my home with such personal and original artwork too. Doesn't my Grandpa look so handsome?

I am so sad about this next picture, because I am not sure what happened, but it was totally overexposed. This is my Grandpa and Bertha, the gracious hosts. I love these two so much! They are always thinking of other people and make everyone around them feel like a better person just by knowing them.
My parents--also huge influences in my life.
My Uncle Scott and Aunt Margie and their daughter Crystal. (We missed their other daughter Corrina who was with her new husband and his family on Thanksgiving.)
I contributed the rolls and green salad for our meal. I had to get a picture of the rolls, because a) I haven't been cooking or baking much lately, so I might as well document it, b) Brynn and Collin had fun helping me make them, and c) Dave's dad taught me how to make them, so I think of him whenever I make them. I have to say, they really are good. I'm sure it has everything to do with the fact that its a great recipe, but I won't turn down the compliments I get whenever I make them. Thanks for the recipe and baking lessons, Ralph!

Of course, I had to get a picture of my other 2 cuties today. Happy 1st Thanksgiving, Eden, and thanks Dave for being on dad-duty so much today!

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