Monday, November 1, 2010

More Things He's Said...

Collin is our little entertainer. He is always cracking us up, whether intentionally or not. Once he gets a laugh out of us, he will continue to do whatever it was that first elicited the laughs. Totally reminds me of Dave! Here are a few funny things he's said lately:

*Collin broke his light saber awhile ago when he tried to use it as a bridge. A few days ago, he got a sudden look of excitement and pride as he announced, "I know who can fix my light saber--Tom!!". Tom is Dave's handyman that has probably completed more of Dave's "honey-do" list than Dave has.

*To me when I was climbing onto the dryer to reach something on a shelf above: "Be careful up there! If daddy sees you up there, he will not like it!"

*Collin, in a voice of complete disgust: "Something smells poopy!"
Me, somewhat jokingly: "Did you poop?"
Collin (after a slight pause, a sudden look of realization, and a mischevious smile): "Yeah."

*"I'm thinking about...(insert any random thought)." Last night it was "I'm thinking about Incredible Hulk drinking my milk." Ok, buddy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look forward to your postings-Ralph