Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Week of Celebrating

The past week has been so much fun! Yesterday was my birthday, so some friends from church and I had a Girls' Night Out on Friday to celebrate. We went to one of my favorite restaurants, Cantina Laredo. I absolutely love our ward! There are so many wonderful people I have become friends with. I am so happy that we decided to move into the home we chose almost 5 years ago.

On Sunday, we went to Dave's mom's to celebrate Thanksgiving with his side of the family. Everyone is so busy these days, so it was great to see everyone (minus his sister Laurie and her family who live out of town). Cheryl is an amazing cook, and she and her husband Jerry are great hosts.

On Tuesday, Eden got really sick with croup, so we have been spending alot of time at home. Poor girl spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday (night and day) just wanting to be held. Her fever got up to 103.5 at one point, so all plans were dropped and I just spent my time taking care of her. She did much better yesterday afternoon and last night, so I think she is on the mend. Dave has been so helpful! He has taken hours of the night to take care of Eden, so I could get some sleep. He has also willingly picked up takeout for us almost every night lately, and even made a run for gelato for me. I am so fortunate to have a husband that is so involved in our family, and who makes sacrifices to be there for us when we really need him. Which leads me to Wednesday...

Yesterday, Wednesday, was my actual birthday. Since Eden was still sick, Dave stayed home with her and Collin for most of the day, so I could get some time to myself. I surprised Brynn by meeting her for lunch at her school. She introduced her friends to me, showed me how the lunch and recess time go, and had me push her and her friends on the swings until the bell rang. She had a huge smile on her face the entire time I was there. At one point, all her friends were running to the playground and I told her she could go with them and I would find her when I got there. She didn't hesitate in telling me that she would rather be with me. It melted my heart! I know the days of her preferring her friends over her family will come all too quick, so I am trying to soak up all the love and attention she gives me now.

After walking Brynn back to her class, I headed off for some me-time. I decided to do some shopping at the stores I usually avoid when I've got kids in tow. I started with Anthropologie and then hit a few other fun little shops and some home decor stores. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), nothing jumped out at me, so I went home empty handed. I still had so much fun having some time all to myself! Then I picked Brynn up from school and took her out for frozen yogurt. I loved getting to spend so much time with her yesterday, since she is gone at school so often now. After a few more errands, we headed home and Dave brought home some Mexican food for dinner. I went to bed early, and Eden had a good night, so I was happy to catch up on some much-needed sleep. The day also included lots of phone calls, texts, facebook comments, etc from friends and family wishing me Happy Birthday. I definitely feel so loved and blessed to have so many great people in my life!

Today Dave has offered to stay home with Eden again, so that the rest of us can still go to my Grandpa L's house for Thanksgiving. (See what an awesome husband he is!) It is also my brother Brian and Dave's sister Kim's birthdays today, so hopefully we will get to talk to both of them today. (Happy Birthday Brian and Kim!!). What a fun and busy week it has been!

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