Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another Day of Fun Summer Chaos

I've heard other moms talk about how summertime is often more busy than the rest of the year in their household. Since I haven't had kids old enough for school, I never really understood. Well, my kids still aren't in school yet, but I'm starting to get it. Our summer schedule seems like its been pretty full already. Between vacations, swim lessons, and family in town, we have been on the go most of the time. Its been fun, and since I've fallen off of the no-caffeinated-sodas wagon, I've been able to keep up a bit. Today was another full day of play and running around. After we got up and got ready to go, we headed over to my parents' house where my sister-in-law Natacha and my niece Micaela are staying for a few months. My niece and nephew MaJesta and Trance were also over there, so all the cousins got to spend the morning together. It was basically a madhouse, but the kids had fun. We all went swimming in my mom's pool. There were only 2 adults in the pool and 5 kids (only 2 of who could really swim). They had fun though, and no one drown so that was good. Here's my mom with all her grandkids (MaJesta, Micaela, Collin, Brynn, and Trance):Outnumbered:
Collin wasn't too thrilled about being in the pool. He was clutching onto me with his arms and even his feet, but when Trance let him in the raft with him, he relaxed enough that he almost fell asleep. He loves his cousin Trance! (Note Brynn swimming in the background. She is our little fish. She is doing really well swimming and is on the verge of figuring out how to take breaths on her own as she swims.)
After swimming, it was back in the house for more noise and chaos. The three little girls really love being together and even getting in trouble together. Collin doesn't mind the extra attention and playmates either. They were so cute playing piano together.
Then, we had to say goodbye, as Brynn, Collin, and I had an appointment we had to be to. As is the tradition in my family, everyone (except Trance) came outside to say goodbye as we left. True to this tradition, everyone did the sign for "I love you". Yes, its pretty cheesy, but the kids started it, and now they insist on it each time. (My dad even has a signature dance to go along with it, but he only busts out those moves for the grandkids.) Micaela's "I love you" always looks more like she's flipping the bird or doing some gang sign, but we know she does it out of love. After our appointment and some errands, we were off to the mall to meet my mom, Natacha, and Micaela. We stopped by the Disney store where the girls went crazy trying to pick out toys. The process was apparently as exhausting for them as it was for us, because they decided they needed to rest among the stuffed animals. Good thing they stopped to rest, because they needed the extra energy for the play area. I loved hearing all the giggles and laughing as they played. Collin LOVES the play area. Getting to climb and have a little more independence always makes that boy happy. The girls loved it too. Brynn and Micaela behave like sisters. They get along most of the time and are always asking when they get to see each other next. But they also argue like sisters ("that's MY mom...that's MY grandma...MY toy"...you get the point). I'm loving that they get this time together. Most of Brynn's cousins live far away, so its always a treat when she gets to spend time with one of them. We are excited to meet the newest cousin when Natacha has her baby in a few weeks (and my brother will also get some time off work to visit).

So, although this summer hasn't been the most relaxing, we have been living it to the fullest and loving it!


Jen said...

What fun! I'm so jealous. It's cold and gloomy here, with thunder, lighning and pouring rain! It's supposed to be SUMMER! Good old England.

Thanks for stopping by on my blog - sorry this turned into a rant! LOL

Angie said...

Micaela is such a beautiful little girl--good job Brian and his cute wife!

What a fun time with all the cousins. I hope you all got a good night's sleep after that busy day.