Thursday, April 24, 2008


I couldn't believe it, but after my last post Collin ended up with pink eye too and Brynn got sick with a fever and tummy ache. I just had to laugh at the bad luck we've been having with all these random little sicknesses and things. If you know Brynn, you know this girl has crazy energy. It can be a challenge to keep up with her because of that. By the time she goes to bed at night, I practically collapse from exhaustion (only slightly exaggerating here). B quit napping months ago, so when I found her asleep on the chair like that yesterday, I was very surprised. One of the first signs that she was sick was that she kept falling asleep during the day. She has been so sweet though! Sickness doesn't usually do that to people, B included, but I have been grateful for it after a rough few weeks. When I've taken a moment to lay down, she has taken her little minkee blanket and covered me with it. She also told me today that I'm a great "cooker" when I made them lunch (leftovers, pbj sandwiches, and mangoes--don't you love how easy kids can be to please sometimes). She's also been calling us all "Sweetie". Everything is "sweetie.." this and "sweetie..." that. She has really made this past week not only bareable, but enjoyable. I am glad she is finally feeling better, and I am grateful for the things (even temporary illness) that make you set aside the housework and errands and just spend time together.

1 comment:

Angie said...

That picture is priceless. Poor little B. Hope EVERYONE feels well very soon.