Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Morning

Can you guess where we went today? Dave had a seminar this morning, so I decided to take the kids to the zoo. Dave's mom was able to join us also, so the kids were excited to get time with their Grandma Cheryl. I was wishing I had brought my SLR, because there were some great little spots for photos. We actually took all the photos above at the zoo. Unfortunately, I had my only-focuses-half-the-time-and-has-terrible-white-balance-problems point and shoot, so they aren't as technically good as I they could be. Oh well. We were there to see the animals any way. Our favorite animal was probably the orangutans. There was a whole family of them--a grandma, a mom and dad, and a baby. It was cute to see them interact together, especially since it was pretty close to how humans interact. The little baby even played peek-a-boo using a piece of material they had in the exhibit. Brynn was absolutely captivated by them. We literally had to pull her away from the exhibit.

The other highlight of the zoo was when the kids got to play in the water area. Brynn was pretty timid at first, but ended up standing right over the shooting water. Collin, on the other hand, had no problem running right out there.

After they ended up drenched we decided it was time to head home. It was a fun day and we were all ready for a nap! Thanks for coming with us Cheryl!

1 comment:

Angie said...

What a fun zoo day! I think your pictures turned out beautiful!! I love the little spot you found with the brown door and chest.