Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More Funnies from Brynn

About a year ago, I started writing down funny little things Brynn would say. Since I plan on printing my blog at some point, I thought I should write some of them here, so we can have them documented for future generations (OK, so we can blackmail her with them when she's a teenager). They may not be funny to anyone but our family, but they gave us a good laugh.

July 28, 2007--Collin (who suffered from reflux) spit up all over and Brynn kept running around in a panicked, disgusted tone saying "horrible mess".

July 31, 2007--after singing "3 Little Monkeys" for the hundredth time, Brynn finished the song ("No more monkeys jumping on the bed"), paused for a moment, and then stated, "I jump on the couch!"

Aug. 2, 2007--Brynn was watching me feed peaches to Collin (the pureed kind) and he was getting messy. Brynn looked at him and exclaimed, "That's a saucy one!" That's also how Dave describes some of C's diapers.

Aug. 2007--Brynn was trying to get in the rocking chair, and I was in her way, so she put her hand on my shoulder, leaned around to look in my face, and said "'scuse me, hon" in a completely sweet and serious voice.

Aug. 29, 2007--Again, C had spit up all over me, so I asked Brynn to get a burp cloth for me. She could see I was a little anxious about it, since I was carefully holding C from trampling in it and getting spit up all over. She ran in with a burp cloth, and as she handed it to me, exclaimed "I freakin' out!"

Sept. 10, 2007--Brynn was on my lap while I was working on the computer. Her head kept blocking my view of the monitor, and I told her to please move her head. She then said, in a silly voice, "Move your noggin'!" I guess she's heard me say that a time or two.

Oct. 2007--We have been trying to get Brynn in the habit of eating/drinking in the tiled area (kitchen, at the dining table, etc). One day she had a snack and was eating on the rug in the family room. The rug is nearly the size of the room, and only 4-5 inches of tile can be seen on the edges around the rug. Of course, being a smart girl, when I told her we don't eat snacks on the carpet, she immediately took her snack to the 4 inch space of tile on the edge of the family room and continued to eat.

Oct.? 2007--Brynn had been potty training for a few months, and after a good start, she decided she didn't want to use the toilet any more. She wanted to be a baby like Collin, and Collin doesn't use the toilet. One evening when we were out for dinner, she suddenly got antsy in her chair and muttered something quietly. It took me a minute before it suddenly hit me that she probably had to go potty. I asked her if she had to go to the potty, and she paused before answering, "No. I just go in my diaper!" She was pretty proud that she came up with a solution all on her own.

Nov. 22, 2007--Brynn's friend Quinci spent a couple of days at our house while her parents were out of town the previous week. While she was here, she taught B to say "Cheers" and tap their cups together (like a toast). B didn't completely understand though, because now she says "Share!" and taps her cup against ours (or toothbrushes or suckers).

Nov. 2007--Brynn informed my mom while she was over that she "needs a little space."

Dec. 1, 2007--Brynn was at my parents' house and suddenly became very concerned. We asked her what was wrong, and she said quite seriously, "He naughty" and pointed to a talking stuffed reindeer that my mom had out for Christmastime. Soon we understood her concern. The rocking, talking reindeer's batteries were almost drained, so the reindeer was talking veeeery slowly and his voice sounded deep. He sounded scary, rather than full of holiday cheer. B kept insisting "he being naughty."

Dec. 9, 2007--Brynn (and Collin) had been sick, so I asked her shortly after she woke up if her tummy and throat still hurt. She responded with "No. They're happy today." She did remind me later, however, that she's still "berry sick."

Jan. 13, 2007--While we were driving in the car, Brynn apparently became frustrated with another driver and said "Come on, dude!" (Hmm, wonder where she's heard that one before, DAVE!)

Jan. 2008--Brynn's response when she's done with something lately is "I'm full of that." For example, when Brynn wakes up from her nap, she informs me that she's "full of sleeping."

Jan. 15, 2008--While I was taking C's 1 year photos, Brynn was really wanting to help out too. She was trying to help me get C's attention, so she told him "Focus!!"

Jan. 2008--Brynn got a play kitchen and play food for Christmas. She "made" me a sandwich and a glass of pretend lemonade (an empty cup). When my cup tipped over, she told me she spilled and then left the room, saying she would be right back. She came back with a stack of napkins and insisted on "cleaning up" the spilled imaginary lemonade. This went on several times until I decided the lemonade was all gone and I wasn't thirsty any more.

Jan. 16, 2008--When I asked Brynn what she wanted for lunch, she answered "chicken and dip. I want pepper, but no stinkin' 'roni." (She had pizza the night before, but picked off all the pepperoni.)

Jan. 23, 2007--I saw Brynn lifting the blinds at our bedroom window. She was still doing it a few minutes later, obviously looking outside for something. I asked her what she was doing, and she answered, "Lookin' for snow!" in a what-do-you-think-I'm-doing tone! Funny thing is, she's never even seen snow in real life. We live in the desert!! (She's been watching an episode of Barney that is about winter/snow.)

Feb. 2008--Brynn loves watching "doggy videos" (dog bloopers or dog challenges/shows). When we were watching a TV show with dogs going through obstacle courses, Brynn wanted to know the name of every dog. As the show ran scenes of upcoming challenges, Brynn asked me the names of the two dogs shown. I told her I didn't know their names, because they didn't say them yet. Just then the commentator said something about it being "intensely important...". Brynn sat up and said, "Mommy, their names are Tensley and Portant!" She was excited to have figured out their names all by herself!

1 comment:

Angie said...

oh! Those are so dang funny!