Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Traditions

One of my favorite things at Christmastime is watching my kids take part in traditions that I grew up with. I have so many memories of holidays spent with my family and my parents' families, and I hope one day that my own kids will look back on their childhood with some of the same good memories.

One of those traditions that has continued from my youth is getting together with my mom's side of the family and re-enacting part of the Nativity. This year was Brynn's second year as an angel. Collin was ready to be a shepherd (for the second year) but backed out at the last minute (for the second year). Oh well, maybe next year he will make his debut.

Here are the angels, doing their part (Brynn is the one biting her lip):

My brother Brian doing his best to look like mean King Herod:
Brynn (far right angel):

After the Nativity, we all went outside to watch the kids hit the pinata. This is another tradition that has been going on since I was a kid. Every Christmas morning, my mom's parents would have a pinata for the grandkids. Now there are great grandkids involved, and it is done when we all get together during December for family night.

My Grandma B puts the "blindfold" on Collin so he can take a turn:
The blindfold/scarf fell off Collin's eyes, but the pinata remained pretty much intact:
Dave was in charge of moving the pinata around while the kids were swinging at it. I think he was having more fun than the kids!
Brynn and her cousin Micaela waiting for more candy (besides the bag full that they already collected):
Brynn takes her turn:
I feel so lucky that we get to live near so many relatives! Holidays, especially Christmas, can be very busy as we try to see all our families, but it is fun to create such good memories.

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