Monday, March 17, 2008

Potty Training Woes

So we first started working on potty training Brynn last July (yes, 8 months ago). After a couple bad days, we thought we had it all down. She was rarely having accidents and would even wake us up in the night to use the toilet. Oh, she had us fooled! About 2 weeks later, she decides she wants to be a baby like her brother, and of course, babies pee in their diapers. She would even tell us, "I have to go potty. Don't worry--I'll just go in my underwear/diaper!" After a few weeks of that, I just gave up and put her back in diapers full time.

Fast forward a couple months to this past January...we decide to try again, since her 3rd birthday was only a few weeks away. Again, she seemed to pick it up pretty well. Not perfect, but good. Well, we are now in March, and she is almost back to square 1. Ugh!! She had accidents most of Saturday and all of Sunday. I KNOW she can do it, she just doesn't care to. I've tried candy, rewards, stickers, prizes, getting to do fun "big girl" things (go to a movie or something), and letting her sit in her wet pants. I've taken a layed back approach and a not-so-layed back approach. I'm about ready to just let her be the 1st kid to "go to college in diapers." I'm feeling like I'm failing Motherhood 101 here. At least getting her to ditch her pacifiers went better than we expected.


Angie said...

Ha! (I know I shouldn't laugh.) I am NOT looking forward to that stage. Good luck!

Just K said...

I am so sorry. I really hated potty training and it still makes me nervous when we go out with Ella. Hopefully she can get over this stage soon. Good luck.