Friday, March 14, 2008

Warning: Danger Ahead

Yes, this sweet little face has been the cause of anxiety for me lately. Collin has only been walking for a couple weeks now on a consistent basis, but he has already mastered climbing on top of most of our furniture. We have several kid-sized chairs that I've caught him standing ON THE BACK OF! He can get on the dining chairs, the couch, the ottoman, and the shelves on the entertainment center. He's on the verge of being able to escape his crib, the pack-n-play, and the baby gate.

Yesterday, I had just changed his diaper and left him to play in his room while I ran to throw away the diaper and wash my hands. In those short moments, he had managed to climb onto the arm of his little rocking chair and use that to get onto some storage shelves in his room. Ack!

Funny, in looking at these pictures (from when he turned 1), I am actually noticing a mischevious look to him that I hadn't noticed in these before. My mom has pointed out that he tends to raise his right eyebrow alot. Maybe that's it.


Angie said...

Very cute! And very frustrating too, I'm sure. He's all boy! I'm not looking forward to the "mobile" stage. Right now we can put them down and know that when we come back they'll be in basically the same spot.

Just K said...

Colin is the cutest thing ever! I love your photos and wish I could take pictures like you. Ella did the same thing and still does. She will often say "See Mommy, I didn't fall. I won't hurt myself."