Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yet another Brynn-ism

During one of our several visits to the doctor last week, I lifted Brynn out of the car and into the parking lot. As she got outside and the wind blew against her bare arms, she exclaimed "It's freakin' cold!" I promptly told her that we don't say that word. She said OK, and then without missing a beat, corrected herself with "It's freakin'!" Yeah, wrong word, sweetie! Sometimes I feel like living with kids is like living in an Amelia Bidelia story (does anyone remember those books, or am I just dating myself here?). They take things so literally, and are so innocent when they misunderstand what seems obvious.


Angie said...

Ha! Snort! Ha! That is soooo funny.

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Kids are totally literal!!